Last Updated: Aug 22, 2024, 11:52 AM

This page contains answers to some frequently asked questions. For other questions or general inquiries, please email AFROTC@siu.edu.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join Air Force ROTC?
For incoming freshman, sign up for AS 101 and AS 101A with your advisor. For other situations, like joining as a sophomore or junior, email AFROTC@siu.edu for details.
There are no additional requirements like ASVAB or initial medical screening to get started with AFROTC. It really is as simple as just signing up for the classes. We will provide further instructions via email as the semester begins.
Am I eligible for the Illinois State Tuition Waiver?
I have served time in the military, do I have to complete the two years of GMC studies?
The Detachment commander may credit your service time toward GMC status on a case by case basis. Email AFROTC@siu.edu for details.
Can I attend Air Force ROTC without a scholarship?
Yes, you can. Many of our students do not start with a scholarship, but every cadet has the possibility to earn a scholarship. The number of scholarship available, is determined by AFROTC HQ and varies between academic years.
Is there a specific degree I need for Air Force ROTC?
How does my major affect my career path?
The Air Force trains officers to perform their specific jobs, so most Air Force specialties do not require specific degrees. However, for some specialties (i.e. engineer or scientist) a close match is desirable or even required. While your degree can be restricted depending on your desired career field, it is more important to choose a major that interests you, especially since it could be related to your future assignment. If you are not sure what Air Force specialty is for you, don't worry. You have plenty of time to decide. Cadets identify specialty and base preferences as a junior (or as a senior for 5-year cadets). Final classifications depends on the needs of the USAF, educational background, personal preference, and commander recommendation.
What careers are available to me?
There are many paths open to commissioned Air Force officers. Check out the link below for a list of opportunities that are available to those who qualify. (Note: some specialties require specific degrees)
Does the Air Force ROTC program include any extracurricular activities?
Yes. Being an Air Force officer means more than just working at an eight-to-five job and ROTC is specifically designed to foster the "whole-person" concept. One such activity is Arnold Air Society, which offers extra leadership opportunities. You will also become involved with community projects and understand the traditions of the military environment. These extra activities are optional; you may participate as your time and schedule allows.
Your first and most immediate concern is attending school and maintaining good grades. After you have met this responsibility, you may want to participate in various activities sponsored both by the University and Air Force ROTC. We certainly like to see our cadets participate in more than just the required class and lab periods. The more you put into the program, the more you will get out of it.
Can I participate in intercollegiate athletics or the band while a member of the Air Force ROTC program?
Yes. Generally, extracurricular campus activities and AFROTC are perfectly compatible if you do not overload yourself. Serious physical injuries suffered while participating in intercollegiate or intramural athletic activities could result in your being disenrolled from AFROTC because of a change in your medical status.
What is Field Training, and how often must I attend it?
Field Training (FT) is a two-week summer encampment which you must attend during the summer between your sophomore and junior years. It is conducted at Maxwell Air Force base in Alabama. It is an intensive training period where you receive additional leadership training, attend numerous career orientations, and learn firsthand what life on an Air Force base is really like. We pay all your transportation costs and provide you with all necessary uniform items. You are only required to complete FT once while in the AFROTC program.
What's required in the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA)?
You must pass the PFA with a 75% or higher (refer to linked scoring charts below). The test consists of:
Push-Ups (1 minute) - 20% of score
Sit-Ups (1 minute) - 20% of score
1.5 Mile Run- 60% of score
Note: body composition (body fat/body mass index) is considered for contracting/officer accessions please contact us for more information.
(For exact scoring please look at the respective scoring charts below):